Plants native to North America are those that naturally occur in the region and were found in the area before European colonization. Native plants are the base of the region’s biodiversity, providing nourishment and habitat for beneficial insects, wildlife and birds that are also native to the area. Having evolved over thousands of years, they are suited to the area’s climate, weather conditions, and soils.
The key to getting started is choosing the right native plants for your area. That is where the CCERC Master Gardener Volunteers have done the work for you. They have carefully selected North American native plants that should thrive in your landscapes and positively contribute to the local ecosystem.
About picking up your new Native Plants!
When do I pick up my Native Plants?
Native Plant Sale pickup is Sunday, May 4.
What time can I pick up my plants?
Anywhere from 10 - 2. Due to limited space, we can not hold plants on site. We will not hold your plants, if they are not picked up we will donate them to a local garden. If you need someone to pick up your plants for you, please let us know.
Where do I pick up my plants?
Your plants will be ready to go at the Cornell Cooperative Extension Rockland campus. The address is 10 Patriot Hills Drive, Stony Point NY 10980
If you have any other questions, please click on “Contact” at the top of this page and send us an email.